On sale

Premium Detail $165

$165.00 - $185.00

3-5 hours, includes Standard Detail Package:

- Pre-rinse (3-5min)
- 2nd rinse & apply foam bath
- Exterior Hand Wash
(2bucket method with grit guard)

- Rims & Tire Clean and Shine + UV
- Streak Free Windows (in & out)
- Door jams
- Interior Vacuum
- Interior Wipedown
- Interior stain removal
shampoo/oxy clean water extraction for stains

- Interior Cleaned & UV Protection
- Recondition Leather & interior
- Deep clean Crevices & Buttons with Proper detail brushes.
- Apply Ceramic Wax Polymers or
Graphene Spray Coating.

(For vehicles with rough paint to the touch and can feel the particles on the paint)

***This package does NOT remove swirl marks, or heavy scratches. PLS see Full Detail. Heavily soiled, or trashed vehicles will be charged accordingly. This is a 3-5 hr completion time.